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About : About Me

My Story

Helping others to help themselves...

Welcome to Peace of Mind Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Massage Therapy & Workshops with Lorna Culnane, I have worked for many years in the holistic world and simply love helping and healing people.

After experiencing first hand, the wonders of Reiki, I started a journey of learning, self discovery and amazing healing... feeling that I was finally on the right path, I continued my various trainings, when I discovered Hypnotherapy I was amazed at how quickly and painlessly issues could be worked on and changed, long term.  It was a revelation to me, how incredible our minds really are, and I wanted to learn how I could help others the way I had been helped. I then went on to add the wonderful experience of Massage therapy to add a holistic approach to my healing, mind, body & soul.

I also run powerful Vision Board Workshops both online and in person.

Originally from the UK, I am blessed to have lived abroad for many years, amongst other cultures. I now share my time between Portugal and the UK.

My Business...

Hypnotherapy can treat weight issues, phobias, PTSD, low self esteem, confidence, pain relief, depression, IBS, eating disorders, stammering, sexual issues, asthma, psoriasis, OCD, panic attacks and much, much, more...

Reiki working to put your body back into balance, promoting health and wellbeing, perfect therapy for relaxation, insomnia, stress, depression, pain relief and more...

Massage Therapy, massages can be so wide and varied with so many styles and options available.  I offer an all body, relaxing experience, super gentle, calming and relaxing.​


Assorted Vision Board Workshops/Online Courses including Specific courses for Couples, Young People, Parents and their Kids etc.

Get in touch with me today for more information.

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